We provice complex suport for your computer network. We can supply hardware and software you need, as well as its installation and further support. We secure the network against viruses and unauthorized access, setup the server, sharing and printers. We can construct/reconstruct network cabling, and set wireless devices (Wi-Fi).

For our customers we create solutions, which help them and bring efficiency to their work. We can take care of the configuration and maintenance of servers, computers, printers and other peripheral devices. We can install and setup programs you need. We offer consultation and recommend suitable procedures and solutions. Our network administration brings the reliable operation of your IT.

We offer two models of cooperation: network administration for a monthly flat rate, or a system of individually paid service calls. The monthly flat rate includes a certain number of service hours; the clients can use our technical support and have a guaranteed response time. In the case of the model of individual service calls, the client pays specific service performances with the possibility of a guaranteed response time.